New Hanover County Schools community, All after-school activities and athletic events for today, Wednesday, January 25th, are canceled. | Flickr
New Hanover County Schools community, All after-school activities and athletic events for today, Wednesday, January 25th, are canceled. | Flickr
From January 26, 2023 post.
New Hanover County Schools community, All after-school activities and athletic events for today, Wednesday, January 25th, are canceled. The National Weather Service forecasts severe thunderstorms, dangerous wind gusts, heavy rain, and the potential for tornadoes.
Buenas tardes, Comunidad de las Escuelas del Condado de New Hanover, Todas las actividades extraescolares y eventos atléticos para hoy, el miércoles 25 de enero, han sido cancelados. El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología ha pronosticado tormentas eléctricas, fuertes ráfagas de viento, y el potencial de tornados.
Original source can be found here.