COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK In the General Court of Justice
District Court Division
Plaintiff, )
vs. )
BANK, (Lienholder), PNC BANK, )
Defendants. )
Under and by virtue of an Order of the District Court of Brunswick County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled “County of Brunswick vs. Southwind Associates, Inc., et al” the undersigned commissioner will on the 22nd day of July, 2022, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction, at the courthouse door in Brunswick County, North Carolina, in Bolivia at 12:00 noon, the following described real property, lying and being in the State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:
PARCEL # 236HB016:
BEING all of Lot 58, Phase 2, Beaver Creek Plantation, as more particularly described in a survey plat prepared by Mark A. Stocks, R.L.S., and recorded in Map Cabinet 24 at Page 55 of the Brunswick County Registry, to which map reference is made and incorporated herein for greater certainty of description.
PARCEL # 236HB022:
BEING all of Lot 78, Phase 2, Beaver Creek Plantation, as more particularly described in a survey plat prepared by Mark A. Stocks, R.L.S., and recorded in Map Cabinet 24 at Page 55 of the Brunswick County Registry, to which map reference is made and incorporated herein for greater certainty of description.
PARCEL # 236GA023:
BEING all of Lot 23, Phase 1, Beaver Creek Plantation, as more particularly described in a survey plat prepared by Mark A. Stocks, R.L.S., and recorded in Map Cabinet 22 at Page 228 of the Brunswick County Registry, to which map reference is made and incorporated herein for greater certainty of description.
THERE IS LESS AND EXCEPTING, from this lot, all of Lot 23R, Phase 1, Beaver Creek Plantation, as shown in Map Cabinet 28 at Page 455 of the Brunswick County Registry, to which map reference is made and incorporated herein for greater certainty of description.
PARCEL # 236HB019:
BEING all of Lot 75, Phase 2, Beaver Creek Plantation, as more particularly described in a survey plat prepared by Mark A. Stocks, R.L.S., and recorded in Map Cabinet 24 at Page 55 of the Brunswick County Registry, to which map reference is made and incorporated herein for greater certainty of description.
PARCEL # 236HB017:
BEING all of Lot 59, Phase 2, Beaver Creek Plantation, as more particularly described in a survey plat prepared by Mark A. Stocks, R.L.S., and recorded in Map Cabinet 24 at Page 55 of the Brunswick County Registry, to which map reference is made and incorporated herein for greater certainty of description.
PARCEL # 236HB00101:
BEING all of that parcel of land, containing 0.28 acres, Phase 2, Beaver Creek Plantation, as more particularly described in a survey plat prepared by Mark A. Stocks, R.L.S., and recorded in Map Cabinet 24 at Page 55 of the Brunswick County Registry, to which map reference is made and incorporated herein for greater certainty of description.
PARCEL # 236AA011:
BEING all of Lot 68, Phase 4, Beaver Creek Plantation, as more particularly described in a survey plat prepared by Mark A. Stocks, R.L.S., and recorded in Map Cabinet 27 at Page 309 of the Brunswick County Registry, to which map reference is made and incorporated herein for greater certainty of description.
PARCEL # 236AA001:
BEING all of that parcel of land, containing 0.40 acres, Phase 4, Beaver Creek Plantation, as more particularly described in a survey plat prepared by Mark A. Stocks, R.L.S., and recorded in Map Cabinet 27 at Page 309 of the Brunswick County Registry, to which map reference is made and incorporated herein for greater certainty of description.
The sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above-described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause. A deposit of 5 percent of the successful bid will be required.
Original source can be found here.